\r\n \r\n {/* This is a duplicated navigation only shown when navigation is fixed. \r\n The navigation above needs to always be there to avoid 'jumping' document. \r\n However the above navigation is set to 'aria-hidden=true' when not visible, so screen readers won't be affected */}\r\n {isFixed && (\r\n \r\n )}\r\n
\r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default AnchorNavHorizontal;\r\n","import { useEffect } from 'react';\r\n\r\n/** Tracking clicks for Matomo\r\n * \r\n Any combinations of the four follwing attributes except data-event category, which \r\n is mandatory, can be added to an element in the following way:\r\n \r\n import useWindowLocationHref from '../Hooks/useWindowLocation';\r\n const href = useWindowLocationHref();\r\n\r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n Due to limitations in SSR, you cannot use window.location.href due to window being undefined.\r\n If you need to track window.location.href it should be done in combination with the useWindowLocationHref hook. \r\n \r\n The above attributes should have corresponding Data-Layer variables in Matomo \r\n and will receive the values of the attribute. The variables needs to be attached\r\n to a tag and trigger which responds to pushed events. The trigger \r\n Event Name value must match the event name pushed in _mtm.push below.\r\n Place on the page you want to track.\r\n The attribute data-event-include may be used on child elements, clicks on them \r\n will pass the data-event values of the closest parent holding \r\n the data-event-category attribute:\r\n\r\n